Strategies to Minimize Sentencing in a Criminal Case

Being faced with criminal charges can be an overwhelming and stressful experience. However, having a skilled defense attorney by your side can make all the difference in minimizing the potential consequences of those charges. In this blog post, we will explore some legal strategies that defense attorneys often use to help minimize sentencing for their clients. Negotiating a Plea Deal One common legal strategy defense attorneys use to minimize sentencing is negotiating with the prosecution to reach a plea agreement. Read More 

How a Lawyer Can Help with Child Sexual Assault Cases

Child sexual assault is a devastating crime that not only affects the victim but also the entire family. It can result in long-term emotional, physical, and psychological harm. A child who has been sexually assaulted may experience a range of emotions, including shame, guilt, anger, and fear. Hiring a lawyer who specializes in child sexual assault cases can be beneficial for the victim and their family. Providing Legal Advice One of the critical roles that a lawyer plays is providing legal advice to the victim and their family. Read More 

How To Beat A Drunk In Public Charge

If you were arrested for being drunk in public, it might seem like there aren't any ways to beat what seems like an obvious case. However, there are several defense strategies your criminal defense attorney may be able to use. Insufficient Evidence Challenging the prosecution's evidence is a common defense strategy in a drunk in public case. This involves scrutinizing the reliability and credibility of the witnesses and law enforcement officers involved. Read More 

What Are Your Potential DUI Defense Options?

A DUI conviction has implications beyond fines and possible jail time. You could lose your license or see your insurance rates skyrocket. Consequently, people often will ask a DUI lawyer what their defense options might be. Folks facing DUI charges often try at least one of these four approaches. Questioning the Traffic Stop The police don't have the right to stop drivers without some kind of rhyme or reason. Even if they're conducting a DUI checkpoint, the cops have to follow state guidelines regarding how they select drivers for checks. Read More 

What Penalties Might You Get For Drug Possession And How Can A Legal Advisor Help You? Find Out

The law prescribes harsh penalties for people found in possession of or selling certain controlled substances. However, it is essential to note that the constitution also gives suspects of drug possession the right to defend themselves. Therefore, you can utilize this privilege to prove that you are not guilty. To this end, a drug crimes attorney can identify viable legal defenses applicable under your state laws. The legal advisor will then apply them to defend you with the aim of helping to avert the consequences discussed below. Read More